Got this quiz from one of my favorite friends, Holly. It was fun...I thought it was funny how a lot of my answers were identical to hers.
1. Where is your cell phone? bathroom
2. Where is your significant other? Work
3. Your hair? messy pony-tail
4. Your mother? far away :(
5. Your father? jolly like Santa
6. Your favorite thing? Spending time with my husband
7. Your dream last night? don't think i had one
8. Your favorite drink? Dr. Pepper
9.. Your dream/goal? homemaker
10. The room you're in? living room
11. Your fear? losing a loved one
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? a mom
13. Where were you last night? at the church for a youth event
14. What you're not? patient
15. Muffins? ugh!
16. One of your wish list items? a healthy baby boy
17. Where did you grow up? Salina, KS
18. The last thing you did? ate dinner
19. What are you wearing? sweats & a t-shirt
20. Your TV? just cut out watching over half my shows to start setting a good example for my future children, I only watch about an hour a day now
21. Your pet? spoiled and treated like a child
22. Your computer? needs to be replaced soon
23. Your life? good but stressful
24. Your mood? stressed
25. Missing someone? my family who seem so far away right now and my best friend Ryla
26. Your car? 2008 Honda Accord
27. Something you're not wearing? a bra
28. Favorite Store? Target
29. Your summer? Way too hot
30. Favorite Color? brown and blue
31. Describe you? about to tip over
32. Last time you cried? 30 minutes ago
33. Who will/would re-post this? Beth
34. Four places I go over and over? Church, home, Work, Park
35. Two people who e-mail me (regularly)? Beth and Ryla (if you consider facebook)
36. Four of my favorite foods? shrimp, burgers, fries, cheesecake
37. Four places I would rather be right now? Andover, Lincoln, Hutchinson, and in the hospital waiting to meet my son!!!