Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mr. Personality

Last night at church we were about to begin class and since Xander did so well last week going to bible class for the first time, I thought I would give it another try. Last week he slept the entire time and this time he was wide awake but I thought he would like the songs and story time. Anyway, when I dropped him off I told the teacher "Now I will be right upstairs in the adult class if you need me." She said "Oh don't worry we will be just fine." I chuckled to myself and thought 'ya I will see you in a bit.' Sure enough, 20 minutes later, I heard my baby SCREAMING. Now you might think this is normal, but his class was downstairs, and mine was upstairs and on the other side of the building. LOL. I started walking to his class on was met halfway by the teacher's assistant coming to get me. She said "I think he has a stomach ache or something." I said "No, he is just kind of like that." "Oh, all the time?" I looked at her and chuckled. I calmed him down and started to collect our things to head back up stairs. Three adults grabbed me on the way up and I heard various comments like "He was fine and then all of a sudden....He sure does know how to tell you he needs something doesn't he....Wow he is Realllly loud isn't he?" To Cliff and I, he is just our little Xan. But when we get around other people and hear their comments we realize, huh, he is going to have a little personality isn't he. Cliff asked me as we were laying him down for bed what I thought this meant for him as a toddler. I looked at Cliff and said I know exaclty what it will be like. I bent down and picked up Aidan and said to him "Come on Benjamin Jr., it's time for bed."


Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Long Trip and Big News

After I came home from my trip to Missouri and Kansas, Laura Beth stayed for a few extra days to see a few more friends a family. Between a trip to Lincoln to see Ryla, a stay in Hutch with her parents, and a visit to Lyons to see the rest of the Sears clan she was pretty busy. This is the second time I've had to be away from her and Aidan for an extended period of time and I'm reminded again that I don't like it. I find that I get a much better night sleep getting up with Aidan every few hours than I do when I have the house to myself. We would like to say thanks to both of our parents and siblings. We enjoyed spending the time with you and are grateful for each of you going out of your way to accommodate us on our trip.

So, now for the big news. The day after LB got back in town we went out looking for homes. Before we knew it we had reached Tuesday afternoon and were putting an offer a house. We found out Wednesday morning that our offer was accepted. Now we are experiencing the joy of having our lives picked apart by our lender! We've got our home inspection Monday so I'll take a few pictures so you can see what the place looks like.


Monday, April 13, 2009

Laura Beth and I have been away from home for 10 days now. I'm heading back tomorrow morning, but she and Xander won't be back until the 19th. I'll be lonely. Friday afternoon we made the trip from Liberty to Wichita. Saturday we took family pictures with LB's siblings and their families. That includes six kids who are 8 years old and younger. Here are some of the pics from our time here.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Easy Life

We spent the past few days living the easy life out on my mom and dads farm. It's in Cuba, MO. If you don't ever get a chance to visit Cuba you won't be missing much. We did have a good time getting Xander in touch with my grandparents. I'm pretty sure when he's older he's going to enjoy hanging out at the farm with his grandma and grandpa. By that time they'll be even older and less able to keep up with him! We were happy to introduce Xander to both of his great-grandmothers on my side. He was also forced to meet his great aunt Becky- he wasn't excited about that! Next week he'll be heading to Kansas to see Laura Beth's side of the family, which should be exciting.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

3 Months Old...Who Saw That One Coming!

So I guess 3 months isn't really very long in the grand scheme of things, but it seems like a big deal. Our little dude has gotten so much bigger! He does some pretty funny things, too. He loves to chew on his fist. He's also making some new noises. He actually yelled for the first time this morning; it was pretty funny. Here's a few pictures and a video to show how huge he's become!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Not the best time for a fast...

So apparently even though my intensions were good, there are a lot of people that do not want to go two months without hearing about Aidan. I can't say that I blame you!!! My parents computer has been on the fritz so I have been mailing them pictures and I wasn't sure if Cliff's family ever got on the blog because they never make comments so I didn't really think anyone would care but then I realized that we live in Washington which is the reason I started the blog in the first place. With all that being said, I will make sure to get some pics up when I can. Aidan was 3 months yesturday!!!! He is growing so fast!!!! We are also in the process of looking to purchase our first home so that will be fun to post about to. Finally, we are leaving this Saturday for the midwest for a couple of weeks. Our first stop is to see Cliff's family then we will head to Kansas to see mine. While I'm there I am going to take a day to go up to Nebraska to see my best friend Ryla and her new baby boy Judson!!!! So there should actually be lots of pictures to come....
