Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Rainiest Spring in the History of Austin

Spring time in Austin this year has pretty much been one continuous rain storm. These two can only be contained inside the house for so many days before they run the risk of spontaneous combustion due to increased energy levels. So a chance to get out and play in the rain and puddles was cause for excessive celebration.
Noah is much more of a splash pad kid than a pool kid. He was convinced that mom and dad had made him his own splash pad in the back yard, so he was very pleased with this development.


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Easter 2016

We had a really fun time celebrating Easter this year. We knew it was going to be a good day when the kids were completely willing to take dozens of picture in the front yard!

Our kids are 100% ministers kid's. They know all about the Bible class story of why we celebrate Easter. They can tell you about the betrayal, the mock trial, the death, burial, and resurrection. They know that Easter is about that special Sunday that Jesus walked back through the tomb. They know it all so well that when we say its Easter, they start making their own Easter art. 

And then came the Easter Egg hunt! We have this great little park just across the street that is perfect for hiding eggs. The kids found more than 60 eggs in about 3 minutes. Dad has committed to spending the next year improving his egg hiding game.

It was a great Easter weekend from start to finish. So, happy spring from our kiddos to you.


Western Day

Noah was super excited for Western Day this year! What's funny is that the thing he was most excited about was wearing his boots...which he wears to school every other day of the year. But at least he was excited!

There was a special vibe in the air for Western Day this time around and everyone had a ton of fun. We ate dogs, played games, and generally did as little school as possible- it was a perfect day!