Saturday, December 4, 2010

To Infinity and Beyond!!!

So last Monday night we decided to let Aidan watch his first movie. He has seen parts of movies but really hasn't been too interested in TV yet. I have tried VERY hard to keep the television off during the day. He usually only gets to watch it right after nap time for about 30 minutes. So this was a special treat for him. I pulled out Toy Story 3 from his stocking (just couldn't wait), made some popcorn, some chocolate milk and we were set. Our first family movie night. He LOVED it. I was shocked that he watched the whole thing. He knew who Buzz lightyear was so when he saw him on the screen he went to grab it from his toy bucket. He also insisted on sleeping with it that night and almost every night to follow. It is pretty cute. So Cliff and I have decided that Monday night is Family movie night. Too fun!


Ryla said...

That is so fun!! And what a great family tradition to start!! I am sure you will all love movie nights. Well Aidan will until Ryla is old enough to choose the movie and wants a girly movie!! :)

AbbyN said...

I love this post!! I laughed out loud and read it to Brice!

P.S. I am so super impressed that you keep the TV off during the're my hero! :)