At my 38 appointment he said I was still at 2 and a half centimeters and said he would like to move things along and stripped my membranes. He also said to come back on Friday so that he could do it again. I went back on Friday and still had not made any more process. He told me that the baby is very low and that I am almost fully effaced. He stripped my membranes again and said that he wanted to schedule an induction for Monday or Tuesday. I asked for Wednesday but he said they were full. So I go in on Tuesday morning at 7:30. Due to my hip....I will get my IV first and then an epidural right away. Doc says that he fears the hip pain will be too much for me to handle and I won't be able to push the baby out which could cause a C-section. So he would rather me have the epidural right away to avoid this. So basically that means I won't feel any contractions which is so crazy for me to think about. How easy!!!!!! I am having TONS of contractions which has not been fun and my hip is getting worse especially at night so I am happy for the induction.
On the down side, Ryla has been pretty sick. She has been vomiting and had diarrhea. She is on the mends which is good. We are taking the kids to friends of our tomorrow night so I am hoping that she will be 100 percent by then which looks like she will be. I will keep you posted. Prayers Appreciated!!
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