Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Aidan goes to Kindergarten!!

Hard to believe our first born started Elementary School last week! I was probably more excited than he was through out the summer.  The Friday prior, his school had an ice-cream social/meat the teacher night.  Aidan had been pretty apathetic up to this point about going to school.  This night made all the difference.  After finishing our ice-cream, each of the classes lined up with their teacher.  The teacher then escorted them inside without the parents.  This was perfect for him.  The teacher introduced them to the classroom and to each other and they got to see what they would be learning for the year.  The kids then came back down and got their families and took them up to their room.  Aidan was then able to tell us himself all about Kindergarten.  He was very proud of himself.  
So come Monday morning he was very excited.  The day before he made his lunch, set out his uniform, and packed his backpack.  Look how cute he is!!

Upon arriving at school he instantly found his new friend Elijah.  I met Elijah's mother at the math training in May.  We both have three kids with our first starting Kinder.  We set up several playdates for them throughout the Summer which ended up being a great idea.  They were placed in class together and could not have been happier.  Their friendship is precious.

The first 15 minutes was morning assembly outside.  Its the only day the parents are allowed to walk them in.  It was so fun seeing all the families and the kiddos together.  

Everyone has asked if Cliff or I cried.  We did not.  But little brother had an awful time with Aidan leaving.  I literally had to peel him off of Aidan.  It was so sad.  He did it the second day to.  Just one of the many reasons we chose this school.

Next post…..All about Aidan's school and why we chose it and what our days at home have been like!


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