Sunday, April 3, 2011

Going Organic

So I have been thinking about making the transition for our family to organic foods for quite awhile but have been hesitant. Mainly because of the cost. Being a single income family....we are on a pretty tight budget. But, with a lot of documentary watching and good conversations with my friends Natalie and Lucas....I feel it is time. Cliff and I have decided it is important enough to cut our budget in other areas. I went to a market here in town that is all organic and got a few things to see what the cost would be like. Not as horrible as I thought.

I used some of what I got to make Aidan's lunch today. I recently ordered a baby/toddler cookbook. I feel like Aidan eats 4 or 5 meals over and over for his lunches and I was really wanting him to eat better. Here is my attempt to try and cook something different and healthy for him. I steamed up some broccoli and made him a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich. I smooshed the broccoli in with the peanut butter so that he would actually eat it...LOL Hopefully I can get some more ideas from my cookbook. I'm also excited to start making Ryla's baby food. Very Fun!!!!


Armymom said...

I don't think Aidan is too sure about the broccoli/pb sand... it kinda has me queazy myself..LOL good luck going organic... :)

The Ferguson Family said...

Kyle and I do organic too, but only for food that is high risk for pesticides. Avocado, banana, and mango are not worth the high price. There is a list that I will post for you. PS. I have like three Christmas bows for you ( I know a little late), but I have to get my thesis done right now. I will also have a Halloween bow for you too! Your little girl is so sweet and pretty.

The Ferguson Family said...

The Ferguson Family said...

Ryla said...

Yay for making your own baby food, it does take some time but is not that hard and so worth it!! I hope that it all works out for you guys, I know what you mean about eating the same few things, Judson does too.