Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Noah at 2 Months!!

My little guy is already 2 months old!!! The biggest news with him is that he has been reallllly sick. He had a horrible cough for about 3 weeks. We took him to the doctor 3 times and he even had some chest x-rays done. They just kept telling us that it was going to take time to get over but that his lungs looked good. It was really hard for Cliff and I to watch him go through it. The cough just sounded horrible. He is finally getting a little better but unfortunately he has lost some weight so his two month stats were a little low. He has done so well through it all though. He was still sleeping great and would only wake up if his cough woke him up. Here is a little bit about him lately.

Weight is 10 pounds 13 ounces- 25 %
Height is 23.5- 80%
Head 15.5- 75 %
Size 1 diapers
Getting up 1 to 2 times a night
Eating really well.
Still has beautiful dark brown hair
Really dark blue eyes
LOVES to be held and be in his swing.


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