Monday, July 20, 2009

This and That

We are getting a little more settled into our house but still have a long way to go. Here are a few pics of our new couch and our 6 week photos of Aidan that I finally got around to framing. We also got a new washer/dryer. This may seem boring to some peopel, but Cliff and I have been renters for 5 years which means 5 years of using other people's washer and dryer, so this was really exciting for us.
Also, wanted to let people know that Cliff called to tell me that this year instead of putting him in the non air conditioned dorm, he got an apartment with air conditioning. Needless to say, that was all the information I needed to pack my bags and head to Portland. Aidan, Gazey, and I will drive out tomorrow morning. YAAAAA!!!



Ryla said...

Your couch looks so great. I am sure your house looks so great too. I am way excited for you that you have your own washer and dryer!! I know what you mean about using other peoples!! You will love the ease of having your own!! I hope you have a great time in Portland with Cliff!!

davisclan said...

We're about to get new washer and dryer too...time to bite the bullett! Your home looks so nice, looks like you've put a lot of love into it.
i'm so glad you get to go be wtih Cliff! have lots of fun!
let's catch up soon , love you friend

Rebekah Scott, M.MFT, LPC, LMFTA said...

nice very nice I like it can't wait to visit and the comment about the air conditioner well it just made me miss my LB!!!

Beth said...

Great Job on the curtains! Everything looks so great- maybe one day I will come and visit and be able to see it in person. Jealous of your white molding!