Monday, October 11, 2010

35 week check up

Cliff, Aidan and I went our for my 35 week check up this morning. Happy to report that Ryla is very healthy and doing very well. Her heartbeat is strong, I gained the exact amount of weight my doc likes, and am even measuring small. So I was very excited. On a sad note for Cliff and I.....Dr. Maughn informed us this morning that he will be gone October 30th- November 14th. I'm due November 14th but we are expecting her to come a little early because Aidan did. Either way....It will be most likely that he will not be able to deliver her. We have become very attached to Dr. Maughn so we were pretty disappointed but know that the important thing is that the baby is healthy. If she does not come early...we are looking at an induction date of November 15th. I would rather she come naturally but there are 2 very good things about being induced. One would be that I would get to have Dr. Maughn and the other being that my parents would be here for her delivery, so that would be nice. I go back in two weeks and he will be checking to see if I have dialated.


Ryla said...

Being induced is not so bad, I was with Judson. But I hope that you do not have to wait that long! I am so glad that Ryla is healthy and things are going well!!

Ryla said...

oh and I love the new look of the blog, so cute!!