Saturday, December 17, 2011

The "Rice" Game

Since the weather has turned and we have been stuck inside, I have had to get pretty creative with Aidan to keep him entertained. I found this idea on Pintrest and he LOVES it. He really enjoys baking so I wasn't surprised that this was something he thought was fun. I call it his Rice game. I got out a few mixing bowls and utensils and just for fun, let him put in a few drops of food coloring every now and then. If you ask him what he is making he says ice which is really cute. It really isn't too messy. I just get out my dust buster when he is done and go around the floor of the table. Then I put the rice in a plastic baggy so that he can play with it later.


1 comment:

Ryla said...

So fun! This is an idea I will totally be stealing!! Judson will love it too! I loved hearing Aidan's voice, so sweet!!